Popular Books
Popular Books
The 54 Day novena, also known as the irresistible novena, was composed by Blessed Bartolo Longo in July 1879, which he said himself...
by ANONYMOUS Subject: Biography & Autobiography, Christianity - Biographies About: Jean-Baptiste-Marie Vianney, T.O.S.F., (...
by Florence Mary CAPES (1845 - 1932) Subject: Biography & Autobiography, Christianity - Biographies About: Saint Rose of Lima...
by Saint TERESA OF AVILA (1515 - 1582), translated by Rev. John DALTON (1814 - 1874) Subject: Biography & Autobiography, Christi...
By Saint Thomas Aquinas edited by Henry Rawes Saint Thomas Aquinas OP (1225 - 7 March 1274) was an Italian Dominican friar, Catholic priest...
Life of Dominic Savio By Venerable John Bosco. "Let us leave a saint to write the life of a saint,...
by Saint Bonaventure, Cardinal [translated by E. Gurney Salter]. Published 1904 by J.M. Dent in London, Toronto Subjects: Francis,...